News & Events
PAL Prairie Pup News
Every Wednesday in February, all MUSD schools are featuring “Walking Tacos,” made with The Walking Taco Doritos topped with Jennie-O Turkey Taco Meat and served with all the fixings by our amazing MUSD Cafes.
MUSD Student & Family Support Services is hosting Parenting the Love and Logic Way, Supporting Youth with Special Needs, a four-class series beginning this March. Spaces are limited. You must RSVP!
Share your love of music and join the Marana Winds to perform in the 2025 community concert, scheduled for Wednesday, April 9 at 7:00 p.m.! All interested staff, teachers, students, alumni and friends of MUSD are invited to participate.
MUSD Student & Family Support Services is hosting Parenting the Love and Logic Way, a six-class series beginning this February. Spaces are limited. You must RSVP!
Apply now for benefits! Applications are now being accepted for free or reduced-price school meals in 2025! Families must re-apply each year and one application can be used for all children in the household.
MUSD’s Marana Cares Mobile food bus will be on the streets again during the upcoming 2024 Winter Break serving FREE, nutritious and delicious meals to ALL children.
MUSD is one of the 60 Local Education Agencies (LEAs) chosen to participate in the 2024-2025 Energy Champions Leading the Advancement of Sustainable Schools program.
Cultural Event Night brought families together for a hands-on journey into the art of painting and etching horse hair ornaments.
The renewal of the existing override allows us to continue to offer full-day kindergarten, elementary and secondary school electives, access to counselors, and protect class sizes. The approved increase of approximately $5 million will be used for people, specifically to increase teacher and support staff salaries and wages.
A generous $33,000 donation from the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene will help provide nutritious snacks to students identified as chronically hungry through the district’s Power Pack Program.
Upcoming Events
PAL is an inclusive preschool program providing the highest quality education during the school year to children with identified learning challenges and their non-disabled peers, three years of age until eligible for Kindergarten.
PAL is an inclusive preschool program providing the highest quality education during the school year to children with identified learning challenges and their non-disabled peers, three years of age until eligible for Kindergarten.
Students enjoy a safe and nurturing environment, small class size, and personalized attention from certified teachers and highly trained educational assistants.
I am honored to be a part of the Marana community. It is a community I truly love and I enjoy being able to serve and support the teachers, staff, and students. I am incredibly excited to be a part of PAL!
PAL implements a Positive Behavior Support System in which consistency of behavior will be expected throughout all parts of the school community.
Our valued staff and educators have voted Marana Unified School District as the "Best Place to Work" for three consecutive years in Explorer News' annual 2022, 2023 & 2024 Best of the Northwest competition!