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PAL Program Overview

PAL Teaches with students

The Dr. Marianne Valdez Play and Learn (PAL) Preschool Program is an integrated inclusive licensed preschool providing the highest quality education during the school year to children with identified learning challenges and their non-disabled peers, three years of age until eligible for Kindergarten.Students enjoy a safe and nurturing environment, small class size, and personalized attention from certified teachers and highly trained educational assistants.  Developmentally appropriate activities allow the children to enhance their motor and language skills.  Creative and imaginative play within a structured learning environment provides the foundation for children to build self-esteem and provides positive social experiences.

The early childhood curriculum is researched-based and aligned with our Arizona Early Learning Standards and Head Start. This curriculum is designed to help our young learners build confidence, be creative, and develop critical thinking skills. Most importantly, this curriculum is all about play! It facilitates exploration, inquiry, and hands-on learning. 

PAL also implements a program designed to promote social-emotional learning that is necessary for school success, academic achievement, positive social relationships, and the development of emotional intelligence.   

Screening and Enrollment

For students who may qualify for special education services, the Marana Unified School District screens children starting at age 2 years, 10 1/2 months. If screening results indicate that a child may have a disability, a comprehensive evaluation will be necessary to determine the child’s eligibility for special education and related services. A team will meet to begin the process. Screening and evaluation are free. All information contained in the screening or evaluation is confidential. Contact the PAL Program to learn more. 

Peer Model Program

The Preschool Peer Model Program (tuition required) provides an opportunity for non-disabled children to attend the same classroom as students with identified learning challenges. Peer models provide an excellent learning model for students demonstrating learning challenges. Peer models benefit from an experientially rich, developmentally appropriate preschool with exposure to children with personal differences.

Peer Model Program Benefits

  • State-licensed teachers and highly trained educational assistants.
  • Developmentally appropriate activities including circle time, art, motor skills, and language development.
  • A structured learning environment where children have the opportunity to build self-esteem and positive social experiences. 
  • Free developmental screening and evaluation, if recommended.

Peer Model Eligibility

  • Residence within the Marana Unified School District
  • 3-4 years of age, not yet Kindergarten-age eligible
  • Toilet-trained
  • The child demonstrates appropriate modeling in all developmental areas – speech/language, social/behavior, cognitive, adaptive, physical
  • Consistent daily attendance
  • All languages eligible

Location, Schedule, Peer Model Fee Schedule

The PAL Preschool program is located at 7651 N Oldfather Rd, Tucson, AZ 85741.

  • Pre-K and 3-Year-Old Program: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday $120/month
    • AM Session 9:00  – 11:30 am
    • PM Session 12:30 - 3:00 pm 

*PAL Center follows the Marana Unified School District school year calendar and is closed when MUSD schools are closed for holidays/breaks. Nutritious snacks provided. Transportation not included. 

The Marana Unified School District PAL Preschool Center is a licensed facility by the Arizona Department of Health Services, and classified as a “Full Day Care” facility.  The Department’s local contact information is:

Child Care Licensing Tucson Office
400 W. Congress, Suite 100
Tucson, AZ  85701

Annual Licensing Inspection Reports are available for review in the PAL office.