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Title I

Students in Classroom

Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers of children from low-income families.

The purpose of Title I is to help eligible children achieve the state's academic standards. This is accomplished through supplemental programs that consist of instructional services, instructional support services, school-wide reform efforts, and increased involvement of parents in their children's education.

Title I services are offered at the following schools:

Title I Strategies for Learning

  • Individual, small group before and after school extended day (tutoring)
  • Classroom Intervention
  • Summer School
  • Parent Involvement Title I Parental Involvement Plan

Private School Consultation
For private school consultation, please call 520-682-4808.

PG - TItle I Parent Inv. Plan

Title I News

More Info

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