Marana Community Rallies for MUSD!
A National Day of Service was hosted in honor of the 9/11 anniversary, transforming it into a day of doing good. Marana Unified School District was honored to be a part of it, with the community stepping up to make a big difference at several schools – painting, cleaning, freshening up, organizing, and more. (See photo gallery below!) We have an amazing community that we are proud to be a part of! Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and gave their time!
Fight Hunger Walk/5k, plus packing School Food Pantries!
Over 200 participants, which included many MUSD student athletes, brought packages of single serving snacks for the Marana High School and Marana Middle School snack closet for youth in need.
“I do think it’s important for us to donate because the community has come out to help us so often. This is good for not only these boys, but for everybody else! This is something we simply have to do- give back to community because they take care of us.” Said Phillip Steward, MHS football coach.
Marana High School swimmer, Wesley Carbonneau added, "I don’t normally run, but I’ll run to beat hunger!”
Campus Beautification at EE, CTE, RRE, MMS, and MHS
Approximately 190 volunteers gathered at MUSD schools to help with various campus improvement projects.
38 volunteers dug and placed irrigation lines, graded the outdoor classroom area, and created a habitat for the tortoise at Estes Elementary. Julie Bradshaw, Estes staff member said, “The JustServe organization was amazing to work with and the number of volunteers we received on the 9/11 day of service exceeded our expectations. We were able to accomplish so much in just a few hours and are so grateful to the community and Just Serve for their support.”
Coyote Trail Elementary had 40 volunteers show up to wash exterior windows, paint door swings, pull weeds, clear brush, rake bean pods and woodchips, pick up trash, clean and stain the chicken coop, wash cafeteria tables, clean tortoise enclosure, paint trim on sheds, and paint the Gaga Ball pit.
50 volunteers at Rattlesnake Ridge Elementary cleaned the fire lane, painted games on playground cement pad, weeded, planted, and watered the garden area.
Marana Middle School had 10 volunteers focused on cleaning up their AgScience garden by trimming back cacti and weeding. MMS also hosted the Red Cross Blood Drive where 33 donors participated!
Over 50 volunteers at Marana High School worked on painting doors and posts and cleaning the trophy cases. Mandy Hamilton, a volunteer painter, stated, “One of the teacher’s doors had stuff thrown at it like drinks ...maybe multiple drinks. Even if this project was just for this one teacher, it is worth it, and what we are doing matters.”
Special Thanks
Thank you to all 9/11 National Day of Service participants and supporters!
- MUSD Students, Teachers, Coaches, Administrators, Parent Volunteers, and Families
- & partnering groups
- Red Cross